Chief Medical Officer
Welcome from our CEO, Matthew Bryant
Dear Colleague,
Thank you for your interest in this exciting opportunity to join Dorset HealthCare as our next Chief Medical Officer.
This is a pivotal time in the journey of our trust as we work collaboratively with health and care partners to find innovative and progressive solutions to the challenges we face.
We are incredibly proud of our overall CQC ‘outstanding’ rating and we know we must strive for continuous improvement and work differently to achieve the best possible outcomes for our communities in future.
We continue to shape our new federation arrangements with our acute partner trust Dorset County Hospital. As part of the joint executive team, you will play a key role in leading our colleagues through this change with energy and fresh thinking.
Alongside our joint Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Operating Officer, you will bring strong clinical leadership to our unitary Board and to our organisation as a whole, ensuring we deliver against the ambitions and priorities set out in our developing joint strategy and supporting plans.
As well as working effectively with your peer Chief Medical Officer colleague at Dorset County, you will build trusted relationships across our well-established and respected Integrated Care System Our Dorset.
You will have a clear commitment to ensuring that we develop our services with and for the people of Dorset and beyond, working with our voluntary and community sector partners and with patient and service user voice at the heart of all we do.
An excellent clinician with outstanding leadership skills, you will quickly earn the respect of our medics, our wider clinical workforce, our partners and the national health and care bodies.
A proactive, positive and enthusiastic attitude will stand you in good stead as you work with colleagues to navigate the complex and often challenging landscape in which all NHS organisations operate.
You will of course be working in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, with stunning landscapes, Blue Flag beaches, a rich history, vibrant culture and welcoming community both within and outside our trust – and we will support your relocation if that is required.
I really hope that this microsite gives you the information you need to encourage you to apply for this role. If you would like an informal chat please do contact Carmel Bell or Melanie West at GatenbySanderson on 07917 826639 or at
Best wishes,

Matthew Bryant, CEO