Our Dorset ICS


Everyone in Dorset deserves to live well. That’s why our NHS organisations, councils, public services and voluntary and community partners are working together as an integrated health and care system.

We’ve joined up to tackle all the things that affect our health and wellbeing so that we can make real change and improve things in our communities.

NHS Dorset will work with others to:

  • Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare

  • Tackle inequalities in outcome and access

  • Enhance productivity and value for money

  • Help the NHS deliver broader social and economic development, particularly post the COVID-19 pandemic

NHS Dorset will listen to people and communities across Dorset, see things from their perspective, and co-design the services that people really need going forward, so that we can support people to live healthy and happy lives from cradle to old age.

Our Dorset Integrated Care System

Building on long-standing strong and successful partnerships in Dorset, our Integrated Care Partnership is now making decisions and working together to improve the health and wellbeing of the 800,000 people living here.

The partnership:
  • is collectively responsible for budgets,
    staffing and delivering the best care for people in Dorset
  • gives consistent advice and proactive support so people can stay well, particularly those who are vulnerable or at higher risk of developing serious or longterm health conditions
  • joins up care and treatment when needed
  • improves access to services so everyone is given the right care in the right place at the right time
  • works at a local level with communities on how services are delivered.

NHS Dorset

Our Integrated Care Board NHS Dorset was created on 1 July 2022 and is responsible for planning to meet the healthcare needs.

NHS Dorset works with others to:
  • improve outcomes in population health and healthcare
  • tackle inequalities in outcome and access
  • enhance productivity and value for money
  • help the NHS deliver broader social and economic development, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Involving people

Our Dorset’s approach to public engagement has a strong focus on working in partnership with people, communities and the voluntary sector. We collectively agree that strong engagement and communications is crucially important so that we achieve the best outcomes with, and for, our communities.


We will work more closely together across the NHS, local authorities, and many others in what is called the Dorset ‘integrated care system’. We are going to try to avoid using this phrase, and instead use ‘working together locally’.

We will be working together locally with: